Faculty and Course Designer Guide to Course Reserves

The current academic periods we’re accepting Course Reserves requests for are:

Spring Quarter 2025


  • View Items on Reserve

    Our main system, Leganto, is available as a link in Canvas, just like your tool links for syllabi and course announcements. Physical Reserve items can be found through Compass, the University Libraries Catalog, and is searchable by instructor, course, or title. Filtering your search by Course Reserves can help as well. Streamed video and audio materials are accessible through library databases.

  • Placing Course Reserves Requests

    To place a Course Reserves request for a reactivated course, a reactivated course with changes, or a completely new course, complete the appropriate form linked at the top of this page. If you don’t see a form for the academic period you’re hoping to submit a request for, email reserve@du.edu.

    To ensure the quickest fulfillment of your request:

    • Submit your request as early and accurately as possible.
    • Be aware of our copyright guidelines – we are unable to post E-Reserves over 20% of any print book or more than two articles from a single print issue of a journal.
    • Return any items checked out to yourself so library staff can process them for your course.
    • If your course has a CRN, please include it. They can be found in DU’s registration portal.


    Reactivations With No Changes
    • Reactivations must be submitted every quarter the class runs: they are not automatically rolled over.
    • We’ll reactivate the course from the previous quarter provided. Please ensure it’s the correct one.
    • Note that sometimes licenses change, and we lose access to old items. If you’re able to, please double check old items to make sure they’re still available.


    Reactivations With Changes
    • Reactivations must be submitted every quarter the class runs: they are not automatically rolled over.
    • We’ll reactivate the course from the previous quarter provided. Please ensure it’s the correct one.
    • Note that sometimes licenses change, and we lose access to old items. If you’re able to, please double check old items to make sure they’re still available.
    • We prefer you submit citations using the template provided. Please include as much information as possible.


    New Course
    • New courses tend to take us the longest to create.
    • We prefer you submit citations using the template provided. Please include as much information as possible.
  • Unusual Item Types

    There are some items that are treated a bit differently:

    Items the Library Does Not Own
    • Purchasing new items involves other departments within the library, working with vendors, and waiting for shipping. As such, allow additional time for these requests to arrive and be processed.
    • While it’s likely we’ll be able to purchase an item for a course, it is not guaranteed.


    Faculty Personal Items
    • You can drop off personal items to be added to Course Reserves at the Anderson Academic Commons’ Lending Desk.
    • Please include a note about it being a personal copy, your email, the Course Title, the Course Number, the CRN if available, and the chapters or pages needed.
    • Once the item is processed, we’ll email you and you can pick it up at our Lending Desk.


    Kanopy Films
    • If we don’t currently have access to a film on Kanopy, you can use the Request for Access form within Kanopy to request access.
    • We cannot guarantee we’ll be able to get access to these films.
    • Note that we do have other streaming platforms available including Alexander Street Press and Swank.


    Online Videos
    • Providing links to videos hosted online can be helpful, but we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to host it on a Reading List, especially if the safety or copyright appears dubious.
  • Bulk Submission for Course Designers

    We understand that course designers often need to submit large numbers of Course Reserves Requests at once. To simplify the process, if you’re intending to submit more than three requests of any one type outlined in the Placing Course Reserves Requests section above, you may download the appropriate Bulk Submission form linked below, fill it out completely, and email it to reserve@du.edu

    Please ensure you’re filling out the form completely and correctly: if it’s missing information we may ask you to use the form instead. Additionally, make sure the email you send us references which active academic period the courses are for.




  • Deadlines

    The time it takes us to complete a Course Reserves Request varies greatly based on what type of request it is, what our unit’s workload is at the time of submission, our unit’s staffing, and many other factors. It’s best to submit your request as early and accurately as possible: we tend to work in the order they’re submitted in.

    Allow additional time for purchasing and processing materials not owned by the library.

  • Copyright Guidelines

Contact Course Reserves